Co-Designing a Model of Care

Nepean Mental Health Centre

Partners: Nepean Mental Health Centre (NBMLHD)

This project was carried out while Lucy of Good Point Design worked with the UTS Design Innovation Research Centre (DIRC).

Below is the visual story that Lucy created to tell the story of work that took place over 2018-2019 between the Nepean Blue Mountains Mental Health Centre and DIRC.

The work was focused on redesigning the Mental Health Centre’s Model of Care, to improve experiences of staff, residents and all visitors to the Centre.

Lucy and DIRC colleagues Dom Svejkar, Rohan Lulham and others, undertook a co-design process with the team at the Mental Health Centre.

A key focus for Lucy / Good Point Design is to find novel and compelling ways to tell stories and help facilitate meaningful engagement both between people and with processes. There were multiple opportunities to do this throughout the project. One of them was to document our work visually, so that it is was engaging and useful for everyone - including all levels of staff and all people staying in and visiting the Centre. Below are excerpts from the book we created to do this.


Crossing The Line


Visualising care